Yale chemistry faculty She has served as a faculty advisor to DEMOS, bringing science education to local elementary children, and participated in the University Committee on Teaching, Learning Welcome to the Department of Chemistry at Yale University. Search this site. Member of Yale faculty since 1997. 203-432-5162 Undergraduate Academic Support. This year the Symposium will be held virtually on Friday August the 28th. edu Welcome to the Zhu Group in Department of Chemistry at Yale University! We are theoretical chemists who develop and apply electronic structure methods for studying condensed phase quantum phenomena. Sloan Foundation Fellow, 1981 Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar, 1982 Corday-Morgan Medal, 1984 Albright and Wilson Visiting Prof. There is also a keynote address from a member of the Yale Chemistry Faculty. edu John Gamble Kirkwood Professor of Chemistry Department of Chemistry Quantum Institute & Energy Sciences Institute Yale University New Haven, CT 06520, Associate Research Scientist/Scholar Chemistry at Yale. These hybrid quasiparticles not only inherit properties of both photons and matter, but also processes The B. edu Tenure-Track Professor. Chemical Biology; Organic Chemistry; Biophysical Chemistry; Theoretical Chemistry; Synthetic Chemistry; Research The Spiegel lab develops novel chemical methods to A solid grounding in the principles of modern chemistry is essential for any multidisciplinary training at the chemistry-biology interface. Columbia University, 1961 Ph. CHEM 490 may not in any circumstance be substituted for any of the laboratory requirements. More information will be available on the Yale Chemistry website. Kara Swenson chemistry. The symposium started with a welcome to the 1st-year students by Nilay Hazari, the John Randolph Huffman Professor of Chemistry and new department chair. The resulting ultrafast relaxation dynamics controls photophysical and photochemical properties Member of Yale faculty since 2014. Anastas serves as the Director of the Center for Green Chemistry and Green Engineering at Yale. Chemical Biology; Biophysical Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Research. The department teaches undergraduates at The course covers concepts in physical organic chemistry including molecular structure and bonding, conformational energetics, electronic effects, thermochemistry, ring strain, The faculty listed below consider theoretical chemistry their primary research interest while those in the left sidebar share an interest, but it is not their primary area. Moore, P. The specific systems and the 1The Yale Chemistry Symposium is a one day symposium where graduate students give talks describing their research. The Davis lab uses experiments at multiple scales, from in vitro to single cell to whole organism, to study fundamental and applied problems at the intersection of chemistry, physics, and biology. This conformational motion can include reorganization of catalytic groups, loop closures, and domain movements, to name a few. D. We aim to foster a research environment that emphasizes safety, scientific curiosity, and mutual respect. Lab Values. No longer accepting new students. Member of Yale faculty since 2001. Research in the Zilm lab involves development of new NMR methods and their application to important problems in chemistry, materials science, and biology. Member of Yale faculty since 1969. Chemical Biology; Research. Below is a list of offices and centers at Yale that assist postdocs. Jason Crawford, PhD Director, Yale Institute of Biomolecular Design & Discovery; Professor of Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. Member of Yale faculty since 2010. Please join Yale Chemistry for a junior faculty candidate seminar with Diptarka Hait, Stanford Science Fellow at Stanford University. In contrast to enzymes, there are relatively few synthetic species capable of recognizing and binding selectively to other organic molecules. Associated labs encompass the Departments of Chemistry, Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry (MBB), Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology (MCDB), and several departments in the Yale School of Medicine. In collaboration with Prof. Faculty. Hepsa Ely Silliman Memorial Fund. Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1960 M. We are studying metal oxides, as colloidal nanoparticles and as electrodes. edu In addition, Prof. Physical Chemistry; Research A n important part of Physical Chemistry is the study of chemical systems under unusual conditions so that we may broaden our understanding of their behavior. Wasserman Prize for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Chemistry in the Yale Department of Chemistry, 2023 Dylan Hixon ’88 Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Natural Sciences at Yale University, 2023 Named “Mención GEQO” (GEQO Fellow) by the Organometallic Chemistry Group of Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. Biophysical Chemistry; Macromolecular Structure and Function; RNA; Education. edu; 203-432-3913; Application Deadline December 1 11:59pm ET. edu DuPont Young Faculty Fellow, 1977 A. Sterling Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus. Chemistry Department Visiting Days 2025 Faculty; Take a look at our primary faculty by research area on the left, and visit the Chemistry website directory to see all faculty. Holland Group Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. Biophysical Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Chemical Biology; Research. The company aims to build a circular economy for carbon dioxide. Based at Yale Energy Member of Yale faculty since 2008. The Yale Chemistry Department has teamed up with the American Chemical Society (ACS) Bridge Program and the Yale Office of Graduate Student Development and Diversity to support multiple post-baccalaureate students in This multidisciplinary effort touches on topics ranging from bioinorganic to organometallic chemistry, and students develop spectroscopic, theoretical, and mechanistic knowledge on various systems of interest. A chemical biologist and expert in mass spectrometry based glycoproteomics, Malaker will bring a pioneering program in the study of mucins and their relation to human disease to Yale Member of Yale faculty since 1965 Not accepting lab members at this time. We use spectroscopic, biophysical and molecular Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. Please join Yale Chemistry for a Silliman Seminar in Materials Chemistry with Qian Chen, Professor of Chemistry and Racheff Faculty Scholar, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). edu Junior Faculty Fellowship, Yale University, 1962-63 Sloan Fellow, 1965-69 Senior U. edu CHEM 510a, Energy and Environmental Electrochemistry Hailiang Wang. SCL 117. edu Member of Yale faculty since 1966 Not accepting lab members at this time. Fields include bio-inorganic chemistry, bio-organic chemistry, biophysical chemistry, chemical biology, Faculty & Staff; Alumni; Search Site. Wasserman Prize for Excellence in Teaching Undergraduate Chemistry in the Yale Department of Chemistry, 2023 Dylan Hixon ’88 Prize for Teaching Excellence in the Natural Member of Yale faculty since 2020. Hailiang Wang, professor of chemistry, received a Yale Ventures Faculty Innovation Award for helping to launch a spinout company from his lab called Oxylus Energy, which uses technology for carbon dioxide conversion based on discoveries in his research group. Resources. B. Physical Chemistry; Research Our research explores the provenance of molecular behavior, with special emphasis placed on the unique features that give rise to physical properties and chemical propensities. dus@yale. P. Molecular compounds are used as tools to explore and modify existing biological processes, including catalytic RNAs, engineering new RNA and DNA enzymes, the enzymology of homologous recombination, exploring signal transduction Organic chemistry lends itself naturally to interdisciplinary study, and many students interact extensively with students and faculty in the departments of makes an impact on the forefront of science, and is successful in pursuing a career beyond Yale. Yale Chemistry faculty have solved some of the most challenging and fundamental chemical and societal problems ever addressed by chemistry. Chemical Biology; Biophysical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Research Research in the Strobel lab is divided between work on RNA biochemistry and the investigation of novel The faculty listed below consider theoretical chemistry their primary research interest while those in the left sidebar share an interest, but it is not their primary area. Figure 1: Computer simulations are extremely useful tools of modern theoretical chemistry that provide fundamental understanding of molecular processes and rigorous interpretations of experiments from first principles. We will also study mucins in a Faculty members associated with the chemical biology program in the Chemistry Department are listed on this page. Stacy Malaker, who will be joining us in the coming year. The faculty member listed below consider materials chemistry their primary research interest while those in the left sidebar share an interest, but it is not their primary area. edu. Quantitative Researcher at CircleUp . Welcome Stacy! 1The Yale Chemistry Symposium is a one day symposium where graduate students give talks describing their research. Kemp Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Yale University. Seth Herzon, Milton Harris ‘29 Take a look at our primary faculty by research area on the left, and visit the Chemistry website directory to see all faculty. List of Faculty Jerome Berson (emeritus) Jason M. Organic Chemistry; Chemical Biology; Research. 203-432-3916 The Department of Chemistry’s diverse research programs welcome postdoctoral scholars from around the world. Kemp Professor of Chemistry The faculty listed below consider organic chemistry their primary research interest while those in the left sidebar share an interest, but it is not their primary area. Crawford Craig Crews Jonathan A. Organic Chemistry; Research In much of traditional organic chemistry, experiment involves molecules in solution, and theory involves Member of Yale faculty since 2007. Abstract: Molecular vibrational polaritons are hybrid half-light, half-matter quasiparticle under vibrational strong coupling. Biophysical Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Chemical Biology; Research Flexibility is an integral part of enzyme function. Lunch and dinner (a BBQ) are provided on the day of the Symposium. Physical Chemistry; Biophysical Chemistry; Research. Member of Yale faculty since 1966 Not accepting lab members at this time. : Chemistry at the Human-Bacteria Interface (2018) (YouTube Interview) Member, Faculty of 1000, Chemical Biology, Small Molecule Chemistry section, 2013-present Yale Cancer Center Pilot Project Award, 2015, 2018 Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award, 2016 Member of Yale faculty since 2001 Member of the Yale Quantum Institute & Energy Sciences Institute. , powered by Concept3D Event Calendar Software. Organic Chemistry; Research Current research interests are focused upon the development and use of radical reactions in organic synthesis. We seek creative teacher-scholars to teach courses and develop outstanding research programs in experimental physical, theoretical, or organic chemistry, all broadly defined. Theoretical Chemistry; Research. quality and breadth of expertise in Yale Chemistry community, which also includes faculty the having joint appointments in Cell Biology, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB), Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (MB&B), and Physics (PHYS), has made Yale a premier center in Chemistry for both students and faculty. On the West Campus, chemistry students and faculty are associated with the Energy Sciences Institute Students participating in CBI Graduate Training Program at Yale University are trained by faculty whose research programs emphasize chemical approaches to study biologically important problems. and to describe macromolecular function in the language of chemistry. Member of Yale faculty since 1985. Research Interests. We seek creative teacher-scholars to teach courses and Member of Yale faculty since 1995 Executive Director, Yale Center for Molecular Discovery. Join Yale Chemistry for a Silliman Biophysical Seminar with Gary J. Martin Saunders we have devised several ways of putting atoms and Mark Johnson is the Arthur T. edu Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. The Zhu group is interested in developing electronic structure theories and numerical algorithms to investigate complex quantum phenomena at the intersection A number of MCGD faculty seek to understand the chemistry that underlies biological processes, utilizing chemistry, biology and physics. (2020) An Introduction to Chemistry, Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne. Jason Crawford, Yale U. Member of Yale faculty since 1995. This year the Symposium will be held on Friday the 23rd of August. Molecular interactions between microbial and host cells can profoundly impact human health and disease. or B. Programs of Study. Pielak, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of North Carolina. , Warwick, 1986 Editorial Board, Chemical Reviews, 1990 Organometallic Member of Yale faculty since 2009. Mark Johnson , Arthur T. Organic Chemistry; Biophysical Chemistry; Research A problem of primary importance to Professor Hamilton’s group is molecular recognition. Chemical Biology; Organic Chemistry; Editor, Cell Chemical Biology (formerly Chemistry & Biology), 2008-2018 UCB-Ehrlich Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry, 2014 In addition, the quality and range of expertise in the Yale Chemistry community, which includes faculty with joint appointments in cell biology, chemical and environmental engineering, molecular biophysics and biochemistry, and molecular, cellular, and developmental biology, has made Yale a premier center in chemistry for both students and Lecturer in Chemistry Paul Cooper came to Yale University in 2019 with multiple years of undergraduate and graduate teaching experience from George Mason University (GMU). dgs@yale. Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. Title: TBD Faculty Host: Caitlin Davis This seminar is generously sponsored by the Mrs. My laboratory studies enzymes and other proteins that dynamically shape these interactions in the context of gastrointestinal infections. Therefore, the first research theme focuses on the fundamentals of organic synthesis, the use of chemical and biological diversity in the design and isolation of novel biological tools and the development of natural products as molecular probes Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. Yale. Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. Accessibility at Yale Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. edu Yale University Navigation. edu T. Zexing Qu Stacy Malaker will be joining our faculty as of January 1, 2021, as Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Bo Wang Associate at McKinsey & Company. Professor of Chemistry in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, has been awarded the American Chemical Society Award for Creative Work in Synthetic Organic Chemistry. Gary Brudvig, PhD Director, Yale Energy Sciences Institute; Benjamin Silliman Professor of Chemistry; Professor of Molecular Biophysics & Biochemistry. A. Faculty members in Chemical Biology Graduate Studies emphasize four major Member of Yale faculty since 2009. Ellman Substitutions for required courses Up to two credits of advanced science courses outside Chemistry may be counted as electives, with the written approval of the DUS. chemistry. Tully Festschrift,” 2002 American Chemical Society Award in Theoretical Chemistry, 2004 John Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. Member of Yale faculty since 1996 Not accepting lab members at this time. Additional Navigation Close. Our department is a community of approximately 400 people comprising undergraduate and graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, research scientists, faculty, and professional staff. The research conducted in the Zhong group relies on interdisciplinary applications of polymer science and engineering, synthetic and physical chemistry, catalysis, and materials characterization to address challenges in global health and sustainability. Search form. The Department of Chemistry invites applications for a tenure-track professor at the assistant, associate, or full level to commence as early as July 1, 2025. This course aims to serve graduate and senior undergraduate students from various academic departments who are interested in learning electrochemistry and its related materials chemistry for performing energy and environmental research. Member of Yale faculty since 2021. . Amymarie Bartholomew, The faculty listed below consider physical chemistry their primary research interest while those in the left sidebar share an interest, but it is not their primary area. Title: TBA The goal of the Chen Group's research is to understand the organization of complex materials and biological systems in space and time. The award recognizes Herzon’s contributions over the course of his 16-year career at Yale. edu Member of Yale faculty since 2021. Our lab at Yale prepares and studies new stimuli-responsive molecular materials. Member of Yale faculty since 2017. Hailiang Wang, Associate Professor of Chemistry. This year the Symposium will be held on Friday August the 23rd in SCL 110. Scientist Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, 1976-77 Chairman, Gordon Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, 1982 Kharasch Professor, University of Chicago, 1983 chemistry. Organic Chemistry; Catalysis; Chemical Biology; Research The ability to rapidly and efficiently synthesize new chemical matter provides unlimited opportunities to discover and develop compounds with incredibly diverse properties and applications ranging from precise tools to study biological phenomena, to pharmaceutical Research Interests. Biophysical Chemistry; Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. edu During the event, Tianyu Zhu, an assistant professor who joined the Yale faculty in 2021, gave a presentation about AI-accelerated quantum chemistry research; assistant professor Amymarie Bartholomew described the potential applications of modular molecular materials; assistant professor Caitlin Davis discussed her use of infrared microscopy as quality and breadth of expertise in Yale Chemistry community, which also includes faculty the having joint appointments in Cell Biology, Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB), Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry (MB&B), and Physics (PHYS), has made Yale a premier center in Chemistry for both students and faculty. Abstract: Electronic excitation of chemical systems leads to nonequilibrium configurations on excited state potential energy surfaces. Physical Chemistry; Research We are excited by the prospect of expanding the role of contemporary physical chemistry to address the mechanisms of complex synthetic pathways at the molecular level. We work at the interface of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and materials science. edu Location: SC L160 Join Yale Chemistry for a Physical Chemistry Seminar with Wei Xiong, Professor at the University of California, San Diego. The graduate courses CHEM 562L, 564L, and 565L may not be counted toward any requirement of the major. The Yale Chemistry Symposium is a one-day symposium where graduate students give talks describing their research. Dr. edu The Department of Chemistry lecturers of chemistry teach general, physical, organic, and inorganic chemistry labs and lectures, as well as seminars and writing intensives, to the The faculty listed below consider inorganic chemistry their primary research interest while those in the left sidebar share an interest, but it is not their primary area. The overarching goal of my laboratory is to develop methods that allow for mass spectrometry (MS) analysis of mucin-domain glycoproteins, a class of densely O-glycosylated extracellular proteins. Patrick Holland T. Inorganic Chemistry; The Mayer group is also exploring PCET as a key concept in materials chemistry and interfacial charge transfer reactions. Victor Batista, John Gamble Kirkwood Professor of Chemistry. Columbia University, 1964 Member of Yale faculty since 1990. Graduate Program. Anastas took public service leave from Yale to serve as the Assistant Administrator for the US Environmental Protection Agency and the Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. edu Seth Herzon, Milton Harris ’29 Ph. Application Instructions. S. Member of Yale faculty since 1982. Please see the Yale News article and the announcement on the Faculty of Arts and Sciences site regarding the 30 new FAS faculty starting this academic year. PhD Programs; Master's Programs; chemistry. Research Interest. Johnson is known for the development and exploitation of experimental methods that capture and structurally characterize transient chemical species, such as reaction intermediates, using cryogenic ion chemistry in conjunction with multiple resonance laser spectroscopy. adminoffices@yale. Our Focus: The Miller Laboratory studies catalytic reactions with the goal of advancing the field of chemistry from practical, fundamental, and interdisciplinary perspectives. B. Based at the Energy Tenure-Track Professor. Based at the Energy Sciences Institute, Yale West Campus Yale University 225 Prospect Street PO Box 208107 New Haven CT 06520 8107. edu Individuals wishing to perform independent research must have demonstrated proficiency in the aspects of chemistry required for the planned project, as ascertained by the supervising faculty member, and must meet basic safety requirements prior to undertaking any activities, including certified completion of the online courses entitled Laboratory Chemical Training and The department of chemistry is pleased to announce the addition of our newest faculty member, Prof. Special Issue of the Journal of Physical Chemistry: “John C. Materials Chemistry; O rganic Chemistry; I norganic Chemistry ; Research. Biophysical Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Research Our research aims to define how nature has solved the difficult problem of efficient light-driven, four-electron oxidation of water to O 2 and to use this understanding to develop new artificial processes for solar energy conversion. This would address two problems associated with All this is to celebrate the Yale Chemistry community and help the 1st-years decide which chemistry area to study and faculty lab to join as they pursue their Ph. degree in chemistry prepares students for further studies in chemistry, biochemistry, Yale Chemistry offers opportunities for recent college undergraduates from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds to gain research and clinical experience at Yale through its ESI PREP Program. Education. Emergence is the phenomenon by which novel properties arise from interactions of simpler fragments which lack that property at a given level of hierarchical complexity. Explore our faculty research interests and job openings on their individual websites. Xiangmeng Nelly Kong Sr. Director of Undergraduate Studies. nkgt csgufa azqibc oyyun dkzsc cxjw ojjcmh jbdxk fiapp lht