Scottish witchcraft map. Check out this great listen on Audible.

Scottish witchcraft map In early modern Scotland, in between the early 16th century and the mid-18th century, judicial proceedings concerned with the crimes of witchcraft (Scottish Gaelic: buidseachd) took place as part of a series of witch trials in Early Modern Europe. The core aim of the Data and Visualisation Internship at the University of Edinburgh was to geographically locate and visualise the different locations recorded with the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database. 1 Christina Larner, Enemies of God: The Witch-Hunt in Scotland (London, 1981),81. In Scotland, 3,837 cases of people May 1, 2013 · This article discusses the history of witchcraft in Scotland. In theory any given accused witch could have more than one case. Survey of Scottish Witchcraft. The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database Project was led by Professor Julian Goodare, lecturer at the School of History, Classics and 1 Christina Larner, Enemies of God: The Witch-Hunt in Scotland (London, 1981),81. Aug 8, 2023 · Addeddate 2023-08-08 01:19:35 Identifier scottish-witchcraft-barbara-meiklejohn-free Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2nt7dkpj4n Ocr Woodcut image from Newes from Scotland (1591) depicting the devil with Agnes Sampson, one of the witches detailed in the survey [1]. Maps xii 1 Witch-hunting in Scotland and England 1 2 Witchcraft and the law in early modern Scotland 15 3 King James VI and witchcraft 34 4 Witch-hunting in revolutionary Britain 55 5 The great Scottish witch-hunt of 1661–2 81 6 Absolutism, state-building, and witchcraft 98 7 Demonic possession and witch-hunting in Scotland 115 Oct 30, 2021 · USGS Maps; Top. To educate and raise awareness of the impact of th e Scottish W itch Trials. [2] 3 Levack, The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe, 54-55. The database contains all people known to have been accused of witchcraft in early modern Scotland—nearly 4,000 of them. The ‘case’ also incorporates all the cultural and accusation details recorded in the documents. It shows that the witch hunts were not limited to any one region or social group. Lilias Adie (c. In the years that followed, King James VI encouraged witch-hunting and even wrote a treatise that showed how severely witches were to be prosecuted. Rather, they affected people from all walks of life, all over Scotland. ac. Oct 3, 2022 · Scotland’s Witch Trail Map showcased at Abbotsford House in the Scottish Borders where a “Witch Corner” has been established in the library. The Great Scottish Witch Hunt (2008) – P. The Witchcraft Acts were historically a succession of governing laws in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and the British colonies on penalties for the practice witchcraft. Julian Goodare Further Reading Contact It is difficult to know for sure, but many historians estimate that across Europe between 40, 000 and 60, 000 people found guilty of witchcraft were executed. The last regular execution for this crime took place in Dornoch in 1722, when an old woman was condemned to death by David Ross, Sheriff of Caithness. "―Christopher Penczak, author of The Temple of Witchcraft and The Feast of the Morrighan "The mystery and intricacies of Scottish Witchcraft have remained somewhat of an enigma, having only ever been an oral tradition, up until now. William Crawley presents. Oct 24, 2019 · New website launched visualises the data from the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database (1563 to 1736). Mar 14, 2023 · Unlike scottish witchcraft as a catch all term we have phrases that cover a wide variety of roles so called witches used to do. In all, about seventy people were accused of witchcraft, although it is not known exactly how many were executed. 1649-1662) was a Scottish witch-pricker and a key figure in the Great Scottish Witch Hunts of 1649-50 and 1661-62 . This led to the persecution of upwards of 4000 people in Scotland, in what we now recognize as the Scottish witch-hunts. is. Dec 4, 2023 · Meilan Solly, in her article published in 2019 and titled “This Map Shows the Scale Of 16 th and 17 th Century Scottish Witch Hunts”, explains the stories of witchcraft practice in Scotland between 1590 and 1727. Led by Professor Julian Goodare the database collates historical records about Scotland’s accused witches (1563-1736) in one place. However, while witchcraft was no longer a crime, belief in sorcery did not vanish overnight. The primary goal of the project was to create a database of people accused of witchcraft in Scotland between 1563 and 1736. Who doesn’t have (or wish for) a Scottish witch in the family tree? “It builds on the university’s breakthrough work on the Scottish Witchcraft Survey which brought to life the persecution of women during the period, with many burned at the stake or drowned. Witch hunting became intensified in many parts of Europe during the Protestant Reformation, and especially so in Scotland. This work was largely done by Emma Carroll across the span of three months during her time as a users can move through a map of Scotland to see where the accused witches lived, as well as the towns and villages where they were detained, punished and executed. It highlights how mostly women were accused of witchcraft. , A Source Book of Scottish Witchcraft, SSRC project, Department of Sociology, The University of Glasgow, 1977. There is Oct 24, 2019 · With research commencing 2001, this original resource for the history of witchcraft and witch-hunting in Scotland was first published in 2003. K. It is in two parts: an interactive database, and supporting web pages. Oct 24, 2019 · Interactive witchcraft map. First broadcast on 2. When King James V was a teenager his guardian and stepfather, Archibald Douglas, 6th Earl of Angus, kept him as a prisoner. Learn the history of these mysterious early Keltic people, their origins, beliefs, and celebrations. Chris Croly, a historian at the University of Aberdeen, stated that Aberdeen’s Great Witch Hunt of 1597 should be seen as but one phase of a wave of witch persecutions across Scotland sparked by the witchcraft laws of King James VI but also that "it is often said that Aberdeen burned more witches than anywhere else — that may not be entirely accurate, but what is absolutely accurate is Sep 7, 2023 · The Scottish Witchcraft Act remained law for nearly 175 years between 1563 and 1736. com. King James played a crucial role in the Scottish witch hunts. , “ Witchcraft in Scotland,” The Scottish Review, XVIII (1891), 274 Google Scholar, estimates that about 450 witches were executed during the period 1660-63. 1640 – 1704) [1] was a Scottish woman who lived in the coastal village of Torryburn, Fife, Scotland. Oct 26, 2024 · The national tourism organisation is inviting visitors to discover some lesser-known spooky stories, dark history, truly magical places and find ways to live like a modern-day witch through the trail and map. The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft estimates that at least 3,873 people were accused of witchcraft between 1563 and 1737. It’s a clickable map of over 3000 people accused of witchcraft in Scotland. Words like "witch hunts," "women," and "Scotland" are important. Oct 24, 2024 · The Map of Accused Scottish Witches is a wonderful resource from the University of Edinburgh, utilising the extensive data collected in their Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database. Emma Carroll's internship blog. Of the 3,066 people accused of witchcraft in Scotland between 1563 and 1730, 84% were women. Equate Scotland student intern, Emma Carroll, worked with Wikimedian in Residence Ewan McAndrew, during the summer to geolocate the place names recorded in the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database (1563 to 1736), and find the place of residence of 3,141 accused Scottish witches. Her intertidal grave is the only known one in Scotland of an accused witch – most were burned. The national tourism organisation is inviting visitors to discover some lesser-known spooky stories, dark history, truly magical places and find ways to live like a modern-day witch through the new trail and map. Follow Visit Scotland's new Witch Trail to see 15 magical locations, each with a supernatural story to tell Another key aspect that may be overlooked is unconscious bias. And many other parts of Scotland saw witch-burnings, too. The map also highlights the fact that the witch trials were a concentrated attack on women. Standing for over 5,000 years, the Calanais Standing Stones have a rich culture of magical folklore. Under no other period in Scottish history, possibly with the exception of The Great Scottish Witch Hunt of 1597, were so many tried for witchcraft as during the 1661–1662 witch hunt. witches. Or you can break down Scottish witchcraft accusation by decade to see how the content of accusations changed over time. Subsequently Nov 8, 2019 · Scottish Witchcraft as lived by a Scottish Witch. ALT Annual Conference 2019 presentation (5 minute video) Scotsman article 'Map of Scots women accused of witchcraft published for first time' Wikidata free The Interactive Map emerged as a subsequent development to the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft and proves immensely beneficial for location-based searches. Sep 27, 2019 · According to Smithsonian. [2] Students in a Data and Visualisation internship at the University of Edinburgh sifted through the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database to create an interactive map of Scottish witchcraft cases during the period of government-sanctioned witch hunting.   Listen in and join Jenny as she wades into some of the weirder tales of witchcraft Oct 30, 2024 · This led to her writing in January 2023 "Contagious Enemies": first-hand accounts from the Aberdeen witch trials. The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe (1995) - Brian P. This map enables you to zoom in on specific regions, towns, or villages, providing an overview of the number of cases associated with your chosen area. It is one of five major hunts identified in early modern Scotland and it probably saw the most executions in a single year. Levack. Makes me long to visit this land and seek its magic. This fabulous resource began life in the 1990s before being realised in 2001-2003. Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, a Scottish hereditary witch, shares her own spiritual awakening into the craft and show Apr 5, 2019 · The Scottish Witchcraft Act saw the grizzly demise of many a soul accused of a variety of heinous and occult crimes. Related links. NASA Images; Solar System Collection; Ames Research Center; Software. . As neighbors and relatives testified, Young—the wife of a tenant farmer The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft is the result of a two-year project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), grant no. R000239234. 2 Robin Briggs, Witches and Neighbours: The Social and Cultural Context of European Witchcraft (London, 1996), p. Her figures have been revised upwards by Stuart Macdonald, Witches The of Fife: Witch-Hunting in a Scottish Shire, 1560-1710 (East Linton, U. The bean/fear fease (wise women/man) bean ghlúine (midwife) bean chaointe (keening women) and the death midwife are all roles that derive and inspire their performance from the Cailleach to their communities. Here, you can see how witchcraft accusations, cultural motifs, and other factors were distributed across Scotland. This indicates that many women were considered the stake of witchcraft just based on various allegations and their demographic gender. About the project. It is an excellent visualisation which shows the spread of the trials across Scotland. Accused Witches' Occupations The Story of Isobel Young Ordeal Bubble Chart Social Bubble Chart A Witch Tour of Edinburgh The Devil in Scotland Memorials & Sites of Interest About Overview Introduction to Scottish Witchcraft Glossary References Resources Interview with Prof. Dec 1, 2024 · The bubbling cauldron of Scottish folklore is brimming with tales of witches and witchcraft, and while all these stories are filled with strange supernatural happenings, some are more strange than others. V. We present a selection of the country’s most wickedt witches. xi. Drawing on data collected for an earlier university project titled the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft, the tool visualizes an array of locations linked with Scotland’s 16th- and 17th-century witch hunts: among others, accused individuals’ places of residence; sites of detention, trial and execution; and spots targeted by infamous “witch First read Christina Larner, Enemies of God: the witch hunt in Scotland (John Donald, 2000); and then consult the unpublished calendar of witchcraft cases C. There is information on where and when they were accused, how they were tried, what their fate was, and on a wide range of themes relating to social and cultural history. Search online - Google is your friend here! Sep 26, 2019 · In 1629, an elderly Scottish woman named Isobel Young was strangled and burned at the stake on charges of witchcraft. Bengt Ankarloo et al. Analysis of the article reveals that Scottish witch hunts happened at a time of instability and intense conflict, affecting all The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft. During this time, anywhere from 3,000 to 5,000 people are estimated to have been accused, with 84% being women. The idea that witches formed a pact with the devil was to change the way that Scottish witch trials were conducted during the course of the 1600s. ), The Scottish Witch-Hunt in Context (Manchester, 2002 Accused Witches' Occupations The Story of Isobel Young Ordeal Bubble Chart Social Bubble Chart A Witch Tour of Edinburgh The Devil in Scotland Memorials & Sites of Interest About Overview Introduction to Scottish Witchcraft Glossary References Resources Interview with Prof. The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft is an online database of witch trials in early modern Scotland, containing details of 3,837 accused gathered from contemporary court documents covering the period from 1563 until the repeal of the Scottish Witchcraft Act in 1736. Renowned for witch-pricking in Great Scottish Witch Hunts and condemning accused women to be tortured and executed John Kincaid (fl. G A project putting Scotland's accused witches on the map. After a rough sea-voyage from Denmark where he and the queen nearly died, James was convinced witchcraft was at play. This is evident in the data given as per the map that many women were considered to allege and prosecuted for practicing witchcraft. Witchcraft was a secular crime between 1563 and 1736, and almost all trials occurred in this period. For learners The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft is an online database of witch trials in early modern Scotland, containing details of 3,837 accused gathered from contemporary court documents covering the period from 1563 until the repeal of the Scottish Witchcraft Ac t in 1736. Many confessed under torture to having met with the Devil in the North Berwick churchyard at night, and to devoting themselves to doing evil, including attempts to poison the King and other members of his household, and to sink the King's ship. The map is built upon the landmark Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database project. So, church and state collaborated to pursue witches. Black, A Calendar of Cases of Witchcraft in Scotland, 1510-1727 (1937; reprinted in Levack 1992), and Christina Larner, Christopher H. com Oct 21, 2019 · A new interactive map tracks more than 3,000 Scots accused of being witches in the 16th and 17th century. Our Ongoing A ims. It contains one of the best and rarest collections of books on witchcraft, There are numerous local tales spread across Scotland about witches and witchcraft based in both fact and legend. H. 1563-1736. Dee is an active supporter of the work of RAWS, and will take us on a journey through the Witchcraft Acts from 1563 to 1735 and beyond and we will consider what the impact these acts had on Scotland and its people. Statistics do show that the Scottish witch-hunt was one of the most severe in Protestant Europe. Even after she served her custodial sentence she The article talks about a map of Scotland showing places linked to witch hunts in the 16th and 17th centuries. Aug 16, 2019 · The last execution for witchcraft in Scotland took place in the 1720s, while the Scottish Witchcraft Act was repealed in 1736. Welcome to the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft. Our work with the church remains ongoing. The North Berwick Witches meet the Devil in the local kirkyard, from a contemporary pamphlet, Newes from Scotland. In 16th and 17th century Scotland, there was an unprecedented increase in the number of men and women prosecuted for witchcraft. Data experts from the University Information Services Group have been building profiles of all the women and men who were accused of practicing witchcraft. The Scottish Parlament passed an act in 1563 that made witchcraft a capital offense. False witch-pricking bodkins from Reginald Scott's Discovery of Witchcraft, 1584. (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002), 11. A Source-Book of Scottish Witchcraft (1977) – Christina Larner. In 1735, the Parliament of the Kingdom of Great Britain passed a law making it a crime in Scotland to accuse any other human being of possessing magical powers or practising witchcraft. Home; Introduction; Search; Some of the information shows how much was behind the prosecution of those ‘witches’ at the time. Nov 25, 2019 · A map that tracks more than 3,000 Scots women who were accused of being witches in the 16th and 17th Century has been published for the first time. Witches and witchcraft make for a formative chapter in the story of Scotland covering history, women’s rights, superstition and the Check out this great listen on Audible. Nov 8, 2019 · Scottish Witchcraft as lived by a Scottish Witch. By Julian Goodare, Lauren Martin, Joyce Miller and Louise Yeoman, January 2003. Christina Larner et al. A map of some 3000 witches in 16th and 17th centuries Scotland. The last Scottish ‘witch’ sentenced to prison in the UK was spiritualist Helen Duncan, she was convicted in 1944. Witches were believed to have practised ‘malefice’ or malicious magic after entering into a pact with the devil. McLachlan, Source Book of Scottish Witchcraft (there are copies at the National Records of Scotland, Glasgow University Library, and the National Library of Scotland). : Tuckwell, 2002), appendix B, and Julian Goodare, Lauren Martin, Joyce Learn about why thousands of people across Scotland and the rest of Europe were tried and executed as witches between the 15th and 18th Centuries with BBC Bitesize Scotland History. The great Scottish witch hunt of 1649–50 was a series of witch trials in Scotland. We worked extensively with the Church of Scotland regarding the role of the church during the witch trials and as a result the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland issued a formal apology in May 2022. Lee and Hugh V. uk. Oct 24, 2019 · New website launched visualises the data from the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database (1563 to 1736). Portrait of King James VI of Scotland, 19th Century copy of 17th Century work. At least 400 people were put on trial for witchcraft and various forms of diabolism during the witch hunt. McLachlan, A Source-Book of Scottish Witchcraft (1977). “ There are two printed guides to witchcraft cases: George F. This feature plots criteria of your choosing onto an interactive map of Scotland. The exact number of those executed is unknown, but is believed to be about 200. Oct 3, 2019 · A new interactive map project from Edinburgh University charts the bloody wave of persecution directed at women accused of witchcraft in Scotland. Patricia Hanks and Flavia Hodges, Dictionary of First Names, Oxford, 1990. The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database. [1] She was accused of practising witchcraft and fornicating with the devil but died in prison before sentence could be passed. There are 3141 cases plotted on the map here. Jan 12, 2021 · Scottish Witch Trials and the Devil’s Pact. Enemies of God: The Witch-Hunt in Scotland (1981) – Christina Larner. Literature and Language main page Oct 18, 2022 · Scotland has many tales of magic and myth. Did you know that thousands of women were trialed and executed for practising witchcraft in the 16th and 17th century in Scotland? Visit this museum, set up by local historic writer Leonard Low, dedicated to the history of the Scottish witch trials. Come visit Scotland's first Museum of Magic, Fortune-telling & Witchcraft displaying genuine artefacts on Scottish Witchcraft, magic, occultism, divination and Fortune-telling. Her figures have been revised upwards by Stuart Macdonald, The Witches of Fife: Witch-Hunting in a Scottish Shire, 1560-1710 (East Linton, U. This shows diversity in history, especially about gender and beliefs. In 2019 a University of Edinburgh intern named Emma Carroll worked with Wikimedian Ewan McAndrew to produce an interactive map showing the horrifying scale of Scotland’s witch trials. Scottish witchcraft by Lamont-Brown, Raymond, 1939-Publication date 1994 Topics Nov 25, 2019 · A map that tracks more than 3,000 Scots women who were accused of being witches in the 16th and 17th Century has been published for the first time. The witch hunt started in Midlothian and East Lothian east of Edinburgh, where 206 people were accused of sorcery between April and December 1661. There is, in fact, hard evidence for only sixty-five executions and one suicide of accused witches during the two-year period 1661-62. 4 Levack, The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe, 109-111. Witches of Scotland is a campaign for justice; for a legal pardon, an apology and national monument for the thousands of people - mostly women - that were convicted of witchcraft and executed between 1563 and 1736 in Scotland. : Tuckwell, 2002), appendix B, and Julian Goodare, Lauren Martin, Joyce Apr 10, 2024 · Witchcraft Act 1735 – Witches in Scotland. John 1703 High Treason and Ratification of Convention of the Estates: Act ratifying the turning the meeting of the estates in the year 1689 into a parliament - Popular Sovereignty, Scottish Constitution: The parliament of Scotland ‘put a period on the end of that sentence’ by passing an act which recognised the standing of the Convention of the Estates as a parliament in its own right and of Scottish witch-hunting, see Christina Larner, Enemies of God: the Witch-Hunt in Scotland (London: Chatto and Windus, 1981), 63. Portrait of James VI of Scotland attributed to Adrian Vanson, courtesy of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Check out what is listed in your local area. The 1736 Act abolished the crime of witchcraft and replaced it by a new crime of 'pretended witchcraft' with a maximum penalty of one year's imprisonment. This is an electronic resource for the history of witchcraft and witch-hunting in Scotland. The map records and remembers the ordeals of more than 3,000 Scots accused of witchcraft - women and men. 5 William Monter, “Witch Trials in Continental Europe: 1560-1660,” in Witchcraft and Magic in Europe: The Period of the Witch Trials, ed. Hear the call of the highlands for powerful magick, healing, and divination Take a journey through the magickal folk traditions of Scotland. 3 Ronald Hutton, 'The Global Context of the Scottish Witch-Hunt', in Julian Goodare (ed. Zoom in to see separate cases (they are Sep 30, 2022 · SCOTLAND’S tales of witchcraft are being marked during the Year of Stories 2022 with a new Witch Trail created by VisitScotland. Oct 6, 2019 · Sunday hears from Professor Julian Goodare from the University of Edinburgh whose research into witchcraft in Scotland was used to build the map. That link opens to “death locations”, which it notes while “there were 3212 accused witches named, there are recorded places of death for only 111 of them”. Equate Scotland Careerwise placement scheme. 1. com, the map combines data from a previous project called the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft with new findings from historical records, and covers 3141 cases of witchcraft witch-hunt or to simply the trial of a person accused of witchcraft. Julian Goodare Further Reading Contact In 2019 the University of Edinburgh created an interactive map based on the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database. If you would like to learn more about Scottish witch-hunts, this reading list (PDF) (4 pages; 113 KB) provides a good overview on material available to consult at NLS. [2] The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft. Now users can move through a map of Scotland to see where the accused witches lived, as well as the towns and villages where they were detained, punished Oct 28, 2019 · The Scottish Witchcraft Database records 26 witches in Elgin, among them Janat Cuj who, in 1646, was accused of causing illness and depriving victims of speech after arguments. See it here . Where the Catholic Church had turned a blind eye to folk practices, and in many cases even accommodated local beliefs into Church festivals, the Protestant reformers had a zero-tolerance policy toward any practice they The Great Scottish Witch Hunt of 1597 was a series of nationwide witch trials that took place in the whole of Scotland from March to October 1597. Scottish Witch Trial Museum, Fife. Janet Douglas, Lady Glamis. Feb 27, 2023 · Addeddate 2023-02-27 22:50:26 Identifier a-source-book-of-scottish-witchcraft-1977 Identifier-ark ark:/13960/s2b11c9q217 Ocr This is an electronic resource for the history of witchcraft and witch-hunting in Scotland. This led to the 1590-91 witch panics, notably the North Berwick witch trials. Oct 21, 2019 · The Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database Project was led by Professor Julian Goodare and Dr Louise Yeoman, of the School of History, Classics and Archaeology, in late 1990s and early 2000s. Not only does the project help highlight the power of data science but also shows the capability of Wikidata to aid in the making of all of the different visualisations. The Scottish Witchcraft Act was repealed in 1736 when the British Parliament decided to repeal the parallel English act. Lee, & H. In Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022, discover dark legends, truly magical places and observe ways to live like a modern-day witch by experiencing the healing powers of nature in Scotland. ed. Residence People Associated with the Witch Trials: Loading map However, unlike most of the church’s other preoccupations, witchcraft became a secular capital crime as well as a sin in 1563 by an act of the Scottish parliament. A data visualisation initiative by the University of Edinburgh, Witches is a beautifully presented project that maps information from the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft database (which by itself is already a fantastic resource) onto actual locations. of Scottish witch-hunting, see Christin Enemies ofa God: Lamer the Witch-Hunt, in Scotland (London: Chatto and Windus, 1981) , 63 . ), The Scottish Witch-Hunt in Context (Manchester, 2002 This is an electronic resource for the history of witchcraft and witch-hunting in Scotland. The author of Buckland's Complete Book of Witchcraft introduces "PectiWita," or the craft of the Picts. Larner, C. Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (DOST). Oct 30, 2024 · The last justiciary trial for witchcraft in Scotland was that of Elspeth Rule, who was convicted in 1708, and banished. Sep 24, 2019 · The University of Edinburgh’s online Witches map is the result of a data and visualization internship project—the intern cheekily referred to as the Witchfinder General—to put the data from the Survey of Scottish Witchcraft Database on the map. Nov 8, 2005 · From the ancient misty Highlands of Scotland to modern-day America come the secrets of solitary Witchcraft practice. The Witches of Fife: Witch-Hunting in a Scottish Shire, 1560-1710 (2014) – Stuart MacDonald. However, rather than creating two cases for people accused and tried for witchcraft more than once, Oct 28, 2020 · If you’re interested in more, students at the University of Edinburgh created an interactive map which provides more details on witch hunts throughout Scotland. Key Information Visit Website Book Now Jan 10, 2014 · Legge, F. In the 1750 in Galloway, a local woman was accused of stealing butter and transforming herself into a hare to suck milk from cows. See full list on atlasobscura. scmorv shxfy luwzqp rnqlk kgqbk gmfobb ydkspsxp cca jvcjv lami